Final show of 2012!
Hello SCREAM FANS! It's sad to say that it's that time of year again. Time for our final show of 2012! Don't SCREAM though. We have ALOT planned for 2013, so be sure to stay tuned for details. We're looking forward to sharing the stage with our friends in Snake Skin Prison for their annual event in Austin, TX called "A Very Metal Christmas....Part Deux!" being held at the Parish. There will be a handful of other great bands so if you're in the area, DON'T MISS THIS SHOW!!!! We want to take a second and thank all our fans who have supported Memory of a Melody and our debut album Things That Make You Scream this year. We have a killer 2013 lined up so be sure to keep posted with our Facebook, Twitter, ReverbNation, and of course our website for all the latest. Big thanks to all the bands we've played along side this year as well. We've made a ton of great friends along the way. KEEP ROCKIN' and WE'LL SEE YOU DECEMBER 15TH!!!!!