3-16-2013 SCREAM FANS! WHO'S READY FOR NEW MEMORY OF A MELODY?????!!!! MOAM is proud to bring you "Between the Eyes", the bands heaviest song yet! Produced by Bryan Scott, this song is in your face, yet still melodic and memorable! We're proud to unveil the cover to our new song below! NOW HERE THIS!!!! Be the first to get it at FITZFEST March 23rd, 2013 for FREE!!!! Everyone who goes to the show will get a FREE Card to Download the song before you can buy it. The rest of you can download it online iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, and more on Tuesday March 26, 2013! Don't miss FITZFEST, and don't miss the release of "Between the Eyes"!
Memory of a Melody is also excited to bring you news of our BIGGEST show yet! River City ROCKFEST in San Antonio, TX May 26, 2013. Check out the killer lineup below! I hope everyone's ready to SCREAM, because MOAM is gonna bring it!